Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
This module will allow participants to explore the range of methods available for children and young people with visual impairment to access the curriculum.
It will support the development of deeper understanding of the possible implications of a visual impairment for access in a number of curriculum areas, including communication/ literacy and numeracy.
Learning Outcomes
Critically evaluate of the effect of visual impairment on children’s access to the curriculum and the impact of the National Curriculum in relation to this.
Critically examine the potential barriers to learning and to the curriculum experienced by VI learners and related classroom and curriculum support.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the environmental factors that may have an effect upon physical access to the curriculum for VI learners, by considering the assessment of the environment.
Critically review and analyse resource implications of facilitating curriculum access for pupils with visual impairment including the place of ICT and technology in facilitating learning and access to the curriculum.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:Principles underlying the development of alternative and augmented communication systems, including braille and Moon;
How to teach braille and understand the skills necessary for a child or young person to learn Braille;
Principles and practice of habilitation, mobility, orientation and independent living ;
ICT hardware and software to help assess the needs of learners with VI and to support their learning;
How the language and behaviour of other people, and the physical and social environment can have a strong influence on the emotional and behavioural responses of learners with VI;
The contracted literary braille code to agreed national standards;
Selection and use alternative and augmented communication systems, including tactile code such as braille and Moon, as part of a curriculum to develop learners’ skills and understanding;
Working with mobility/habilitation specialists to design and implement mobility and independence programmes, including wheelchair mobility;
Planning teaching approaches that promote access to learning and participation for learners with VI;
Challenges that may arise from the physical and social environment and understand how these may change in different phases of education and at transfer from
Module Overview:
The Developing an Accessible Curriculum module explores the range of methods available for children and young people with visual impairment to access the curriculum. It will support the development of a deeper understanding of the possible implications of a visual impairment for access in a number of curricular areas.
The Developing an Accessible Curriculum module explores the range of methods available for children and young people with visual impairment to access the curriculum. It will support the development of a deeper understanding of the possible implications of a visual impairment for access in a number of curricular areas.
Additional Information:This module is part of the PG Diploma in Teaching Visually Impaired Learners delivered in collaboration with St Vincent’s School.
It will provide opportunities to examine the role of specialist technology in widening access for individual learners with visual impairment, and analyse their own role in the design, implementation and evaluation of appropriate educational programmes