Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Nursing and Advanced Practice

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To establish how complex care be delivered safely for in child nursing.

Learning Outcomes

Critically review quality assurance processes for well-coordinated care
Critically appraise advanced medication management in child nursing
Competently undertake a health numeracy assessment

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Advancing systematic history taking/assessment Undertaking routine investigations and interpreting and sharing findings Exploring co-morbidities in patients who have complex care needs, both in the acute and chronically unwell person. Working in partnership with others to deliver safe, quality and well co-ordinated care Co-ordination and planning in the safe discharge of patients home and between care settings Advanced medication management Biophysics, biochemistry and radiology ILS (optional) Health & safety regulations, staffing/skill mix, quality improvement strategies, risk assessment/management, Methodologies such as audits, surveys and service evaluations
Module Overview:
This module will prepare you to:
  • critically review quality assurance processes for well-coordinated care
  • critically appraise advanced medication management in adult nursing
  • competently undertake a health numeracy assessment

You will be assessed by OSCE exam and a health numeracy assessment related to nursing proficiencies and calculation of medicines.
Additional Information:The Academic Assessor will monitor that the student is completing their hours. This includes any practice placement learning and simulated practice learning, in accordance with the students programme plan. Please note that workshop hours as listed in the above contact hours account for simulated theoretical learning, in accordance with NMC standard 3.4


Centralised Exam