Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Humanities and Social Science

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



1. Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of a making new theatre craft through performance or presentation; 2. Collaborate in the design and delivery of a making new theatre artefact, taking at least one significant production role; 3. Reflect and evaluate orally, articulating personal practice in the context of the individual professional development and collaborations in the making of this making new theatre artefact.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Learning Strategy The module offers students the opportunity to explore original material both original and extant. in a workshop and rehearsal context leading to a final public performance/presentation in a form to be determined in negotiation with course tutors suited to each respective cohort. It may be a single outcome or a collection of presentations but the work will be presented as a mini-festival to key artistic stakeholders from across the North West region. It is also possible that this could include public lectures/guest performances by staff and LJMU supported companies or artists in the field. Weekly clinic will continue to support and help students structure their activities week on week and, where appropriate, students may work with other students or artists from outside the course in developing the presentation. The module delivery will lead to a final intensive – a two to three week rehearsal period leading to the mini-festival. The student group will collectively plan and produce the work for final assessment and a follow up viva allows students not only to receive and discuss individual feedback but also to use it in making a personal evaluation of progress and development through analysis of key features of the working process. All students must take part in at least one public presentation or performance and undertake one, key production/management role in the mounting of the festival . Indicative content. The specific content and detail of this module will be determined by each respective group of students, but tutors and visiting professionals will contribute by offering specific examples of practice, sometimes by working creatively in collaboration with students. (i.e. a producer mapping types of work in a given region) Staff will also provide further assistance in methods of self-reflection and evaluation prior to the Assessed Tutorial. Learning Activities Seminars, Workshops. This is staff supported. This builds on from the work undertaken Responding to the Cultural Climate 1 each group will have identified an area of work they which they wish to pursue. Each project will have identified their potential market - audience, live or digital, festival, venue (indoors or out). Each student will select a role / s (actor, director, writer, designer etc.) within each project. This role will have a defined learning agreement, this will be negotiated with their individual project supervisor. The new work can be created via writing, devising or mix of both – work can either be an original piece or via adaptation. Each piece of work will be shared with industry professionals and feedback sought to develop the work at a later stage should the students choose to. All work will be recorded/documented for future use.
Additional Information:As the module that stipulates and frames ensemble process, this is a space within the degree course that enables and requires students to develop their organisational and directorial skills as well as their skills as participants in ensembles directed by others.

