Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Liverpool Screen School
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
1. To develop understanding of the relationship between the making and the documentation of immersive performance.
2. To consider the application of different media in the context of immersive performance creation and documentation.
Learning Outcomes
Articulate comprehensive understanding of various platforms for presentation and of how these have been used as tools within the field of immersive performance.
Demonstrate ability to apply selected media with informed originality to create and document an immersive performance project.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:This module focusses on the deployment of various kinds of media in the process of making and documenting performance.
Lectures will frame ways in which particular kinds of media—examples might include audio recording, video recording, physical installation and social media platforms — have been used in the making and documentation of immersive performance.
Following the lectures, each student will choose a theme around which to build their portfolio. This theme might be a social issue or an idea about a cultural phenomenon. It may be something arising from their proposal on Research Methodologies and Proposal or anything else they have encountered in Semester One or elsewhere. module They will workshop (outline/sketch/storyboard/mock up) the different ways in which different formats might be used to explore this theme.
Following feedback from tutors and other students, and perhaps from invited guests, the student will plan/script their creative response to the chosen theme.
The format of materials submitted for assessment will be negotiated by contract, to be finalised by a class deadline date a couple of weeks after the workshop sessions.
Each student must use at least two formats, and each format used must be deployed both in the creative treatment of the idea and the documentation of that treatment. For instance, a portfolio might include a 15-minute audio drama, a 10-minute oral (audio recorded) reflective analysis, and an installation including both process and product elements (such as a physical assemblage of objects and photographs of the process of assembly with annotatory text); another student’s portfolio might include a 10-minute film and a 20-minute video diary documenting the process at key stages
of the film’s development.
Additional Information:Portfolio submission will present, and document the making of, a creative response to the student's chosen theme. ‘Informed originality’ (Learning Outcome 2) will be fostered on this module: informed originality means, here, acquiring knowledge of
platforms and applying that knowledge innovatively and effectively ways in one’s own project. Learning about the capacities of digital and other, innovative platforms is designed to equip the student with work-related skills that they can apply in subsequent modules and which will enhance employability.