Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To develop a critical perspective of the influences on international principles and practice within early childhood work and critically examine and compare systems in a range of countries with reference to global contexts. Issues such as ethnocentric bias in research and practice, reliability and validity of cross national data, will be examined.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:
Students will explore a range of topic content that will include, but not be limited to the following:

Examination and critique of competing terms in early childhood education and care
Critique of comparative early childhood education and care systems, policy, workforce and practice
Comparative national and international pedagogical approaches in early childhood
Political-economic, socio-historic and cultural contexts of early childhood education and care
National and international education, health and social welfare policies relating to the education, health and welfare of young children and their families
Cross national data on children’s health, education and wellbeing
Global agendas for children’s health education and well-being (e.g. Sustainable Development Goals)
Theories and concepts underpinning comparative education studies
International institutions supporting early childhood
International research agendas on early childhood education and care
Module Overview:
This module enables you to develop a critical perspective of the influences on international principles and practice within early childhood work. You will learn to critically examine and compare systems in a range of countries with reference to global contexts. Issues such as ethnocentric bias in research and practice, and reliability and validity of cross national data will be examined.
Additional Information:
This core module supports students to reflect upon a range of psychological, sociological, health, welfare, educational, cultural, philosophical, legal, historical, political and economic perspectives and considers how these underpin different understandings of babies, young children and childhood, nationally and globally and is in line with the revised benchmark standards for ECS (QAA, 2014). The module builds on the core level 4 modules, Pedagogical approaches (Part 2) - Sustainability; Democracy, Participation and Social Justice 4206ECS, Perspectives on Children and Childhood 4204ECS and the level 5 core module, Global inequalities and unequal childhoods 5203ECS. The module explores the multidisciplinary interpretation of constructions of children and childhood and the principles, theoretical bases and implications for practice.

