Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Computer Science and Mathematics

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To develop an understanding of the role of the expert witness in trials involving Computer Forensics. To identify a range of appropriate methodologies and tools used during an investigation. To perform analysis of forensic images and preparation for presentation of results in a court of law.

Learning Outcomes

Critically analyse and apply techniques used by criminals to hide data
Apply complex combinations of computer forensics techniques typically used in a modern legal case
Critically evaluate the outcomes of a computer forensic image analysis
Appraise legal issues arising from a computer forensic investigation and its presentation to a court of law
Communicate complex technical information resulting from a computer forensics investigation appropriate for a legal context such as a court trial

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Identification of techniques used by criminals to commit crimes on digital devices, Preparing a digital device for investigation, Processing the crime or incident scene, Search preparation and the tools required to perform a search, Securing evidence from a digital device, Data acquisition and the use of write blockers, Reporting the results of an investigation, The role of the expert witness in a court of law, English Law and its application to Computer Forensic investigations, Maintaining the chain of custody to ensure the integrity of evidence.
Module Overview:
This module provides you with an understanding of Computer Forensics investigations and the presentation of evidence in a court of law. You will develop your understanding of the role of the expert witness in trials involving Computer Forensics and learn to identify a range of appropriate methodologies and tools used during an investigation. The assessment is structured around the phases of a computer forensic investigation, starting with the 'crime', its analysis and finally the presentation of evidence.
Additional Information:To provide an understanding of Computer Forensics investigations and the presentation of evidence in a court of law. The assessment is structured around the phases of a computer forensic investigation, starting with the ‘crime’, its analysis and finally the presentation of evidence. Where normally a module would have two items it practice with this module it makes more sense to pause to assess after each phase, as they are dependent on the previous phase.

