Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Computer Science and Mathematics

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To describe the architecture of graphics hardware and processing unit. To explain the interaction between a graphics API, its shader and compute language and the GPU architecture. To explain the principles of advanced computer graphics processes across the various stages of the programmable rendering pipeline. To compare and contrast algorithms used to model key aspects of photo realism in real-time. To outline the mathematical models used to represent visual phenomena such as light, colour, shadow, reflection in real-time. To illustrate how post processing techniques can be used to simulate cinematographic effects in real-time. To develop skills in advanced computer graphics operations using a modern graphical API and its shader/compute system.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:GPU architecture and shader - Processor Architectures. - GPU vs. CPU. - How shader code is executed by a GPU. Evolution and History of Shader Models - Vertex and Pixel Shaders. - Geometry Shader. - Hull and Domain Shaders. - Compute Shaders for Graphics. Geometry - Geometric operations such as intersection calculation and proximity tests. - Volumes, voxels, and point-based representations. - Parametric polynomial curves and surfaces. - Approximation techniques such as polynomial curves, Bezier curves, spline curves and surfaces, and non- uniform rational basis (NURB) spines, and level set method. - Dynamic level of detail. Procedural Content Generation: - Pseudo Random Number Generation. - Perlin noise. - Terrain Generation. - Fractals / Function driven procedurals. - Data Driven vs Pure Procedural. - Water, Particles. - Fluid Rendering in Real-Time. - Blocks and Voxels. Culling techniques - Surface culling (front face, back face). - Occlusion culling. Rendering techniques - Multiple light sources. - Forward Rendering vs. Light Pre Pass vs Deferred Rendering. - Physically Based Rendering – BSDF, BRDF. - Pre-Computed Radiance Transfer (PRT). - Advanced Texture Mapping: Bump mapping/Normal Mapping/Parallax Occlusion Mapping. - Volumetric Lighting. - Global Illumination in Real-Time: Reflection/Refraction/Shadow mapping/Light Mapping (Baked Lighting). Image-based effects and post processing - Spatial / Temporal Blur. - Depth of field / Bokeh. - Bloom - Ambient Occlusion - Non-photorealistic effects Output Merger Optimisations - Sample Based - Morphological Anti-Aliasing
Module Overview:
To describe the architecture of graphics hardware and processing unit.
Additional Information:This module builds on the students’ knowledge of the principles of 3D graphics and furthers their understanding of advanced computer graphics processes. The module uses a modern GPU-driven graphics API to demonstrate how complex 3D scenes can be constructed from complex geometry and rendered in real-time with special effects. Focuses on the state of the art approaches to real-time rendering and how graphics programmers are targeting the goal of photorealistic rendering in real-time.


Centralised Exam