Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



Coaching is a complex profession due to its interdisciplinary nature and the ever-changing coaching environment. Therefore, to be successful, modern practitioner there is an expectation to have advanced knowledge in a range of underpinning disciples and athlete welfare. This module integrates a sport science and coaching interdisciplinary outlook to creating an evidence-based approach of an athletes annual training plan encompassing critical thinking around potential performance problems and solutions Students will demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the key concepts and challenges of programme design and delivery through problem-based learning and discuss how the interdisciplinary team work together to provide bespoke performance solutions.

Learning Outcomes

Critically appraise, evaluate, and then apply conceptual understanding from an interdisciplinary team approach in relation to the determinants of performance for a chosen sport to establish an annual training plan.
Synthesise how an applied practitioner may create performance solutions for various participants along the sporting pathway within an interdisciplinary team environment.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Interdisciplinary approaches to coaching practice: Design of an annual training plan from areas of strength and conditioning; physiology; psychology; nutrition, and performance analysis. Creating performance solutions for various participants along the sporting pathway: strengths and weaknesses in performance solutions in line with the determinants of performance model; track progression by outline testing/tracking methods. Athlete relationship dynamics: Empowerment; identity within creating a programme design.
Additional Information:CIMSPA mapped.

