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Over the past number of decades, there has been several important changes in the area of corporate governance, both at an international and national level. Globalisation increasingly requires firms and their management to have a solid understanding of key governance issues and the possible implications of these on firm behaviour and thus, performance. Therefore, this module aims to introduce students to corporate governance, its practice and related theoretical underpinnings.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Introduction to corporate governance and an examination of its evolution Examination of the difference between corporate governance and corporate management Theories and philosophies of corporate governance Corporate governance around the world/ International models of Corporate Governance Structures and policies necessary for effective corporate governance e.g. examination of board architecture, functions of the board and other key positions of governance and their associated roles Current/emerging issues in corporate governance at both national and international level The economics of corporate governance Capital structure and firm valuation Pay-out policies and finance
Additional Information:This module introduces students to corporate governance and finance, its practice and related theoretical underpinnings. It focuses on corporate governance from both a national and an international perspective and introduces contemporary academic literature to develop students’ critical appreciation of contemporary issues surrounding corporate events, valuation theory and practice.

