Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Liverpool Business School

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



To provide students with the important idea that modern business is characterised by the interaction of global processes and local embeddedness. To understand the institutional features of national business systems that influence firm strategy and structure – i.e. corporate governance and financial systems; the market for corporate control (takeovers, skill formation and education systems. To analyse and explain how firms globalise and to assess the impact of globalisation on the national system of the receiving country and of the ‘sending’ country (the so-called ‘host’ and ‘home’ country effects). To understand that capital is usually free to move across borders while labour is more constrained in both practice and, increasingly, in principle – i.e. varieties of migration across countries.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:1) Globalisation and National Business Systems 2) Introduction to Varieties of Financial Systems: Corporate Governance and Takeovers 3) Patterns of Work Organisation and Skill Formation 4) Business Risks and the Prospects for International Collaboration vs. International Clashes Across Different Varieties of Capitalist Economies 5) Financial Crisis and Sovereign Debt Crisis: A Varieties of Capitalism Perspective 6) The Anglo-Saxon Model and its Problems: the UK and USA 7) Co-ordinated market economy: adjustment in Germany 8) The French Model in Transition and Mediterranean Market Economies 9) Understanding Variations and Changes in East Asian capitalism 10) Transition Economies of Central and Eastern Europe 11) Institutions in Comparative Perspective: Why and how the concept of complex causation improves of understanding of change in contemporary capitalist economies?
Module Overview:
This module provides you with the important idea that modern business is characterised by the interaction of global processes and local embeddedness. You will learn to understand the institutional features of national business systems that influence firm strategy and structure i.e. corporate governance and financial systems and the market for corporate control (takeovers, skill formation and education systems).
Additional Information:There are no prerequisites for enrolling in this module, however, it is convenient that the students have a basic knowledge of International Business and Management.

