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Module Offerings



To develop an understanding of components and the principles of control systems, basic design and analysis techniques, and practice some control applications to industrial systems.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Introduction: control system structure including sensors, controllers, actuators and plants. Matlab/Simulink Modelling & Simulation: introduce transfer function models for different plants, how to use Matlab/Simulink to model a dynamic system, how to simulate a control system with Matlab/Simulink for system analysis and performance assessment. Integration algorithms, State Space representation Time response analysis: characteristics for first order and second order systems, response to step and ramp input. Controller design: design specification in time domain, functions of P, I and D control, empirical controller parameter setting method. Industrial control: implementation of PID controllers, proportional and derivative kicks, integral controller wind-up and anti-wind-up method. Control system hardware design. Block diagram analysis. Stability: concept of absolute and relative stability, stability analysis. Computer packages will be used to gain experience in applying and simulating techniques.
Additional Information:This level 5 module develops an understanding of the modelling, application, design and analysis of control systems with Matlab/Simulink.

