Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

LJMU Partner Taught

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



This module aims to develop a conceptual understanding of physical education and sport within society, by considering the influence of external partners and examining the current community and National strategies and initiatives that impact on the development of young people and analyse these from sociological perspectives.

Learning Outcomes

Apply sociological perspectives to demonstrate an understanding of contemporary issues in physical education.
Reflect on and analyse the structures and influential partners that contribute to the development of opportunities for young people in physical education.
Examine and evaluate current community and National strategies and initiatives and their impact upon young people in physical education.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Examine how political and social factors impact on young people in physical education, community, and school sport. Consider the current initiatives in physical education, community, and school sport. Consideration of influential partners in physical education and community sport and how they impact on widening and increasing participation for young people in physical education. Overview of current local and national initiatives in physical education Consider a range of sociological perspectives to explore current issues in physical education.
Additional Information:This module is delivered in semester 1. Building on the knowledge gained at level 4, this module provides students an opportunity to develop deep theoretical knowledge and applied skills in physical education. The module will include guided learning through fundamental contemporary issues relating to sociological, cultural, ethical issues relevant to PE. Students will also develop their curriculum specific knowledge and practical skills in lesson planning, delivery, feedback and assessment. Students will develop their applied skills through small-group tutorials and will build on their experiences, skills and knowledge gained during work-based learning in semester 1. Students’ knowledge and skills will be assessed throughout the module and through completion of individual assignments. Students will be presented with opportunities to gain peer and lecturer formative feedback on their assessment within small group seminar sessions and individual tutor meetings that take place throughout the semester. 

