Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
To introduce and then consolidate students' knowledge of the fundamental principles of engineering hydrology applied to civil engineering problems and provide an understanding of some of the key environmental and social problems with which they must deal within the context of global change and sustainable engineering.
To present open channel flow concepts and provide students with the ability to perform and assess a range of hydraulic computations relating to open channel flow commonly used in civil engineering.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:Open channel flow:
Laminar and turbulent flow in open channels, principles of uniform flow, Chézy and Manning equations, development of friction equations, channel cross-sections, development of energy concepts & specific energy, critical flow considerations, normal depth and critical depth, applications of the energy principle, measurement structures, specific force considerations, analysis of hydraulic jump.
Engineering hydrology:
The hydrological cycle, climate change effects, precipitation, initial losses, infiltration, percolation, evapotranspiration, surface runoff, groundwater flow, rainfall and runoff catchment characteristics, impacts of urbanisation, hydrograph analysis, unit hydrograph theory.
Additional Information:Knowledge of water engineering is essential for good practice of civil and environmental engineering. This module provides background material on open channel hydraulics and engineering hydrology that serve as a sound base for other relevant civil and environmental modules and for future professional practice. The material that will be taught includes a balance between theoretical principles and their application to real problems in hydraulic engineering. When studying open channel flows, students should gain an appreciation of the different types of flow that may occur in natural and engineered systems. The module will aid students' appreciation of hydrological processes and will demonstrate how to approach practical problems in applied hydrology.
Centralised Exam