Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

Biological and Environmental Sciences

Learning Methods

Off Site

Module Offerings



To demonstrate theoretical and practical aspects of animal ecology field survey methods in different habitats, with particular emphasis on animal census, biodiversity assessment, and behavioural ecology.

Learning Outcomes

Employ techniques to survey and humanely capture animals in the field.
Design field sampling experiments to achieve specific ecological objectives, such as the assessment of microhabitat selection by animals.
Critically analyse, interpret and discuss data from field sampling programmes.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Introduction to field methods to trap, handle, survey and measure animals in their environment, particularly terrestrial invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Introduction to indirect census methods: tracks and signs, pellet counts, camera traps. Introduction to different field survey techniques and sampling methods. Introduction to the practical application of GIS and Google Earth in field studies. Data analyses. Presentation of research results.
Module Overview:
This module enables you to examine different methods used for animal censuses and surveys, including sampling techniques.
Additional Information:This module examines different standardised methods used for animal censuses and surveys. Different sampling techniques are dealt with in some depth during the different types of session, with the aim of explaining the quantitative framework on which they are based.

