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Sport and Exercise Sciences

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Module Offerings



This module aims to foster an understanding of the regulation of the food industry, and the dynamics of the health policy processes at both national and international levels. This will include the rationale for government intervention and the impact of policy. Following the module, students should be able to critically appraise current and proposed nutrition and health policy.

Learning Outcomes

Critically evaluate the ways in which food, nutrition, physical activity and health politics and policy influence current practices.
Explain how empirical research has informed our understanding of cultures, and customs through critical appraisal of food, nutrition, physical activity and health policy.
Analyse a specific current food, nutrition, physical activity or health-related policy.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:Policy comprehension: Inception of evidence-based food, nutrition, physical activity and health policy, who makes them, why we have them; How to evaluate food, nutrition, physical activity and health policies. Food Policy/regulatory mechanisms in the UK/EU: Food safety – Food Quality; Obesity, diet, physical activity and health; Environmental and ethical issues; Food sustainability; Food security; Market Power, competition, competitiveness.
Module Overview:
This module aims to foster an understanding of the regulation of the food industry and the dynamics of the health policy processes at both national and international levels. This will include the rationale for government intervention and the impact of policy.
Additional Information:The Association for Nutrition (AfN) competencies covered in this module include: CC2b Effect on chemical composition and nutritional quality of food, feed and diet for either human or animal systems of: - methods of food or feed production, preparation, preservation, fortification and format - sources of food or feed supply - methods of cooking and storage. CC3a Food or feed and nutrition and health policy (at global, national and local level) for either human or animal systems. CC3b Significance of evaluation of nutrition in maintaining and driving public health agendas. CC3c Factors that affect an individual’s, communities’ and population groups’ nutritional needs and practices for either human or animal systems. CC3d Religious and cultural beliefs and practices that impact on food, nutrition and health. CC3e Consideration of financial/social and environmental circumstances on diet and nutritional intake. CC3f Theories and application of methods of improving health, behaviour and change for either human or animal systems. CC3g Design and implementation of intervention projects and programmes, methods for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness and efficiency. CC3h Theories of nutrition health education and nutrition health promotion (humans only). CC4f Understanding the general principles and methods associated with determining the 9 efficacy, health attributes, health claims, safety, and legal aspects of foods, feeds, drinks and supplements for either human or animal systems. CC4g Ability to recognise strengths and weaknesses in dietary, nutrition and health research methods, in order to understand the limitations of the scientific basis of nutritional knowledge for either human or animal systems. CC4h Ability to integrate knowledge and understanding from a variety of sources to identify or propose solutions in one of the following areas: Improvement of human health or improvement of the welfare and/or productivity of animals or improvement of food production and sustainability. CC5a Ethics and values of professions. CC5c Legal context of nutrition practice; including current relevant legislation and guidelines to providing information to individuals. CC5d Responsibilities and accountability in relation to the current national and international legislation, national guidelines, local policies and protocols and clinical/corporate Governance in relation to nutrition. CC5e Can recognise the moral and ethical issues of investigation and appreciate the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct applicable to both interventional and observational studies.

