Teaching Responsibility
LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:
LJMU Partner Taught
Learning Methods
Module Offerings
To equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to assess health and social care needs and prioritise risk in relation to alcohol and substance use/misuse, mental health and illness.
To enable students to develop appropriate care plans that prioritise those issues identified with the client and set out ways of tackling these that are mutually acceptable, appropriate and beneficial.
To give students an overview of the national recommendations; highlighting elements of good practice taking into consideration the limitations of the module.
Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate the basic communication skills required to engage with clients and understand professional roles and boundaries.
Carry out a comprehensive assessment to identify potential risks and prioritise those that require immediate action.
Recognise the purpose of a care plan and evaluate its practical application in helping individuals manage the issues that they present with.
Identify and report on the professional requirements of information governance and confidentiality regarding client/patient records.
Module Content
Outline Syllabus:There are a number of identified stages that occur in treating people with alcohol and substance problems or mental health issues; these include screening, assessment, care planning and aftercare. This module will guide participants through the treatment process as a multi-agency approach, referring to key documents and recommendations as set out by relevant Government and professional bodies. Students will be required to consider the nature and relevance of each stage of the ‘treatment journey’ and its’ relevance in supporting identified needs of the service user. The module will offer the opportunity for the reflection of professional practice and candidates will be encouraged to critically evaluate current relevant research and its implication for choice of method in achieving optimal outcomes for the service user.
An overview of relevant guidance and documentation
Models of behaviour change
Facilitating behaviour change
Developing a working relationship with the client in a helping setting
The helping model
Roles and responsibilities
Communicating effectively
Semi structured interviewing techniques
Risk assessment
What is risk? Who is at risk?
Prioritising risk
Psychosocial interventions
Treatment approaches
Levels of intervention
Aftercare and social support
Relapse prevention and the role of peers
Care planning: Use / Health / Offending / Social
Setting realistic goals
Working with the client
Key working
Issues for professional practice
Documents and record keeping
Ethnics in the therapeutic relationship
Health and Safety
Additional Information:The case study will be based on actual work with a client carried out under supervision. The assignment will include the application of a needs assessment and subsequent development of a care plan. Students will then be required to offer comment on their practice demonstrating an ability to consider the needs of the client and their own abilities in meeting these needs. Regular tutorials will provide opportunities for informal formative assessment to support student learning and discuss their overall progress.