Teaching Responsibility

LJMU Schools involved in Delivery:

LJMU Partner Taught

Learning Methods


Module Offerings



1. A recognition of their individual singing potential and the development of personal strategies for the development of their singing voice (rectification of vocal issues and increasing range etc.); 2. A clear understanding of the physiological characteristics of the singing voice; 3. An understanding of the key vocal techniques required for safe and sustained singing performance; 4.The ability to sing in an appropriate classical style for legitimate musical theatre, demonstrating the ability to delivery an emotionally connected performance; 5. A core level of music theory (notation, vocabulary, theory and forms).

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:1. One-to-one singing classes Students’ one-to-one singing lessons will focus on the development of individual singing style and technique. Tutors will continually assess students’ voices in order to provide a technical programme that will be tailored specifically to suit individual vocal needs. Students will have the opportunity to explore their vocal potential and create a repertoire of material suitable for professional auditions. 2. Workshops and classes both in whole group and sub-groups Repertoire/Technique: The Repertoire classes will provide students with the opportunity to prepare songs for further work in individual lessons. Students will be guided in sourcing appropriate repertoire, learning the material from their own personal resources as opposed to the internet etc., preparation of sheet music for one to one lessons. At key points in the year, this class will also provide the opportunity to perform assessment work in front of the rest of the class for peer and teacher feedback. The Technique classes will be delivered as a whole group and will provide an opportunity for the grounding principles of singing technique to be delivered to the class as a whole, in preparation for individual application and development in one to one lessons. Acting Through Song A workshop-style class focusing on the technical skills of acting through song, using a wide range of musical theatre material. This class augments the performance element of the Singing assessment. Music Theory A lecture and practical class programme through which students develop an understanding of music theory and vocabulary. The particular focus of these sessions will be the development of the skills and knowledge required of a musical theatre performer in a professional context. Studies will include music notation, music vocabulary, music theory, and music forms. 3. Independent and guided research exercises and presentations Students will be required to undertake research into their voice on a regular basis. Students will also be encouraged to demonstrate their incorporation of good practice habits into their vocal regime. Music theory classes will require students to engage in independent work and research. 4. In class / Institutional performances / sharings There will be opportunities throughout the academic year for students to take part in and observe individual and group performances as part of the Singing Module.
Additional Information:The module introduces students to singing, voice and performance techniques skills for musical theatre. Assessment is via a presentation and a portfolio.

