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Module Offerings



To enhance knowledge and understanding of the essential mathematics underpinning electrical and electronic engineering. To develop intellectual abilities in selecting and applying appropriate circuit analysis techniques for analysing various electrical and electronic circuits. To introduce passive electronic components and understand there operating characteristics. To introduce the operating principles of transformers and electronic filters.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the fundamental relationships governing electric circuits
Use circuit analysis techniques to determine operating points of dc circuits
Derive the power relations in ac circuits and perform calculations
Explain the operating principles of transformers
Apply complex numbers and phasors to solve ac circuits.

Module Content

Outline Syllabus:1 Passive components, AC circuits and phasors Scientific notation, voltage, current, power and energy. Introduction to electric fields, permittivity, Capacitance, impedance of a capacitor. Introduction to magnetic fields, self and mutual inductance, impedance of an inductor. Operating principles of transformers. Alternating current fundamentals, period, frequency and angular frequency. Peak, and rms values. Complex representation of sinusoidal quantities. Phasors. Application of complex numbers in simple ac circuits. Powers in ac circuits. Complex-waveforms and introduction to the Fourier series. Resonance in simple series ac circuits. Series RLC circuit as a band-pass filter. RC circuits as low-pass and high pass filters. 2 Circuit analysis techniques Steady-state dc and ac circuit analysis: Kirchhoff's laws. Voltage and current divider rules. The superposition principle. Mesh current analysis. Nodal potential analysis. Non-ideal current and voltage sources, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuits. Maximum power transfer theory.
Additional Information:The material delivered in this module will be complemented by the practical skills module where students will undertake practical experiments to reinforce the material delivered in this module.

